Anna Brand President of the ZEROWATERLOSS Foundation e get drinking water.
by Janick Berger
Anna Brand has been appointed as the new President of the ZEROWATER-LOSS Foundation in Bern as of May 1. 2023.
The ZEROWATERLOSS Foundation is committed to promoting sustainable solutions for securing the supply of groundwater and drinking water in Switzerland. "The preservation of the Swiss surge tank is very important to me," says Anna Brand.
In her management role, Anna Brand will be responsible for all aspects of the foundation's work, including research collaboration and representing the interests of large sections of the Swiss population who need a secure water supply. She will support and implement innovative strategies with partners to help achieve the Foundation's goals. Above all, water losses, which are still common in the drinking water supply today, are to be limited and access to an affordable drinking water supply secured.
The ZEROWATERLOSS Foundation was set up by the Swiss industrialist family Brand. It supports research projects and events that help to tackle the new global crisis with innovative water management.
The world is currently facing an unprecedented water crisis that is taking on a chronic character: Over two billion people have no access to clean drinking water. This crisis will become bigger than the current energy crisis, which is overwhelming us with problems.
Anna Brand says: "Access to sufficient clean water is a human right. Today, drinking water is wasted in Switzerland and around the world because it is far too cheap for many uses and will hardly be affordable as survival water for many people in the future." The foundation, which she heads as its new president, is therefore calling for "the value of water to be understood in its entirety, because an acute water crisis can become a human crisis."
Further information:
Anna Brand
President of the ZEROWATERLOSS Foundation
Kramgasse 61
3011 Bern